
For the historical Background, described on this website, various sources and cross-references of historical representations have been read and compared to give an overview and a summary of the History of Scotland.
There can be no guarantee of 100% correctness, as the sources contradict each other in some facts. However, this summary describes the facts that are logically correct.

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According to the new DSGVO of May 25, 2018, the making and publishing, as well as the storage with modern Cameras and Smartphones of Photographs are considered as Data collection and is thus subject to the prior, demonstrable consent of the Person(s) being photographed. According to a statement by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, §23 KuG will continue to apply, for example at Event Photography, the DSGVO given priority – read in a Statement of the Law Firm WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE.

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